Design Tech Unraveled
Tutorials, tips, and tricks for Design Technology as it relates to the AEC Industry.
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Monocle for Dynamo Update!
I’m sorry if you use Dynamo and don’t know about or use Monocle. You should, it definitely makes Dynamo better. But maybe I am a bit biased as I make the thing. Here is an overview video if you aren’t familiar: I tend to add new features every few months. These include feature requests from…
What’s new in Revit 2024, the API and Dynamo?
You may already know this, but, Revit 2024 is out and it has quite a few nifty features. Check out the video below for the ones I am most excited about. Also, check out the other video for a Dynamo 2.17 review, which is now included in Revit 2024!
Using AI to Delete All Walls in a Revit Model
Overview If you are on Twitter or social media in general, you have probably heard of/seen a tool called ChatGPT. It is an AI system that allows for conversational dialogue between you (human) and the AI (🤖). People have used it to generate all sorts of cool stuff in the AEC world. In addition to…