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See you at BILT!

The week is finally here, Digital Built Week 2023 that is.

This year marks the second year that BILT is in person after a few years of virtual stuff. Last year was a bit challenging, but I do commend the BILT committee for being the first and making it happen last year.

This year I am excited to share that I am teaching two classes.

The first class is a lab and it is all about adding stretchy handles to Revit families and making them rotate. It should be a really fun time!

The second class marks a first for me; a class not about Revit or Dynamo! This class is all about how to create eLearning content and training videos, and should also be fun, (and yes, AI will be involved). This class is also unique because it will be a demo of a lot of the same methods I use to produce my courses over at

I am planning on recording this class in its entirety, so let’s hope my camera stays charged, my audio works, and all the other things going on.

And if you wanted to see a bit more about how BILT 2022 was, check out the stuff below.

If you were unable to attend the in-person event last year, it was really great to see everyone in person again. Check out my blog post here:

and if you want to see a bit more, check out the vlogs I did last year as well:

1 thought on “See you at BILT!”

  1. Pingback: hey john, watcha up to for #AU2023? - Design Tech Unraveled

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