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Home ยป Can’t Open a Dynamo Graph? Here’s one reason why.

Can’t Open a Dynamo Graph? Here’s one reason why.

While preparing for a Dynamo presentation, I typically spend a lot of time diving into Dynamo’s source code, release notes, and blog posts. For this year, there have been quite a few changes. This includes visual changes, bug fixes, and regressions. One of the most significant regressions this year is that some newer Dynamo graphs (Dynamo 2.12+) will not open in older versions (Dynamo 2.6.1-). In fact, when you try to open these graphs you receive no notification of what happened.

The summary is, that dropdowns were fixed in 2.12 but broke in older versions, and you need to install this package:

But, if you want a deeper understanding and a live demo of this, check out the video below!

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